

Trading_Rulebooks_And_Decisions 1-SPOT

Day-Ahead & Intra-Day Markets Trading Rulebook & Decisions


The Market Rules of DAM & IDM are defined in DAM & IDM Trading Rulebook and its Decisions, issued by HEnEx.

title file

DAM & IDM Trading Rulebook

HEnEx Technical Decisions

Decision 1

Procedure for Acquiring the Participant capacity, Participant resignation and other issues regarding Participants in HEnEx Day-Ahead and Intra-Day Market.

Decision 2

Professional competence of Participants’ Certified Energy Traders participating in the Day-Ahead & Intra-Day Market of HEnEx.

Decision 3

Special Terms on Cancellation of Orders and/or Trades in the the DayAhead Market and Intra-Day Markets.

Decision 4

Registration of Energy Financial Instruments and other energy wholesale products for Physical Settlement and procedure for submitting Physical Delivery and Offtake Nominations

Decision 5

HTS Operator information management in HEnEx's Markets

Decision 6

Calculation, pricing and settlement procedures concerning the fees and charges of section 3.12, as well as the Non-Compliance Charges of the sections and sub-sections 4.4.2 and 6.8.

Decision 7

Emergency trading procedures in HEnEx Day-Ahead and Intra-Day Markets.

Decision 8

Maximum and Minimum Day-Ahead and Intra-Day Market Order Prices.

Decision 9

Technical issues on conversation files

Decision 10

Timeline Procedures for the Day-Ahead and Intra-Day Market

RAE Decisions


Defining the Regulatory Parameters for Calculating the NonCompliance Charge for the non legal submission of Sell Orders relating to the Available Capacity for the year 2022 subject to the provisions of sub-section of the Day-Ahead and Intra-Day Markets Trading Rulebook and article 18 par. 4 of L. 4425/2016, as applying


Definition of the Administratively Defined Position Nomination Penalty Price of Energy Financial Instruments, as well as of any other parameter and technical detail for the application for the year 2022 according to the stipulations of section 6.8 of the Day-Ahead and Intra-Day Market Trading Rulebook and article 18 par. 4 of L. 4425/2016, as applying


Amendment of RAE Decision Nο. 1229/2020 regarding the Methodology on the application of acceptance rules for Sell and Buy Orders, with same price in the Day-Ahead and Intra-Day Markets subject to the provisions of sub-sections, 4.3.3, 5.4.3 and 5.10.3 Day-Ahead and Intra-Day Markets Trading Rulebook, and article 18 par. 4 of L. 4425/2016, as applying


Definition of the Maximum and Minimum Clearing Price Thresholds for the Day-Ahead Market, for which HEnEx examines the possibility of conducting a Second Auction, according to the provisions of subsections 4.5.1 and 4.5.2 of the Day-Ahead and Intra-Day Markets Trading Rulebook and article 18 par. 4 of the L. 4425/2016, as in force


Methodology of imposing measures against the Participants in accordance with the provisions of section 3.7 of the Day-Ahead Market and the Intra-Day Market Rulebook and article 18 par. 4 of L. 4425/2016, as applying


Regarding the access of the Participants to specific Order Types, the parameters for submitting them as well as the technical details as regards their content, in accordance with the provisions of subsection of the Day-Ahead and Intra-Day Markets Trading Rulebook and article 18 par. 4 and 5 of L. 4425/2016, as in force


Methodology for Calculating Fees and Charges for the operation of the Day-Ahead Market and the Intra-Day Market


Definition of the percentage Χ% of the retail supply share and Α% of energy quantities that are included in the validated Physical Offtake Nominations and correspond to energy quantities of trades on Energy Financial Instruments for the year 2022, in accordance with the provisions of subsection of the Day-Ahead Market & Intra-Day Market Rulebook and article 18 par. 6 of the L. 4425/2016, as in force

1574/2020 Regarding the day of commencement of the Day-Ahead Market coupled operation on the Greek-Italian border

Trading_Rulebooks_And_Decisions 3-DER

Financial Energy Market Rulebook & Decisions


The Market Rules of Derivatives Market are defined in the Financial Energy Market Rulebook and its Decisions, issued by HEnEx.


title file

Financial Energy Market Rulebook

Decision 1

Procedure for acquiring the Member capacity, Membership resignation and other Membership issues of the Financial Energy Market (Derivatives Market) of HEnEx

Decision 2

Procedure for acquiring the Market Maker capacity and terms of market making in the Financial Energy Market (Derivatives Market) of HEnEx

Decision 3 Members’ professional competence in the Financial Energy Market (Derivatives Market) of HEnEx
                                                                                   With track changes
Decision 4

Immediate imposition of measures against Members of the Financial Energy Market (Derivatives Market) of HEnEx

Decision 5

Electricity Futures Contract Specifications in the Financial Energy Market (Derivatives Market) of HEnEx

                                                                                    With track changes
Decision 6

Member Charges of the Energy Financial Market (Derivatives Market) of HEnEx

                                                                                    With track changes
Decision 7

Cessation of admission or deletion of existing series and suspension of trading on a Derivative in the Financial Energy Market (Derivatives Market) of HEnEx

Decision 8

Emergency trading procedures in the Financial Energy Market (Derivatives Market) of HEnEx

Decision 9

Regulation of technical trading issues in the Financial Energy Market (Derivatives Market) of HEnEx

                                                                                With track changes
Decision 10 Technical issues on conversation files in the Financial Energy Market (Derivatives Market) of HEnEx

Trading_Rulebooks_And_Decisions 3-GAS

Natural Gas Trading Platform Rulebook & Decisions


The Market Rules of Natural Gas Trading Platform are defined in Rulebook for the Natural Gas Trading Platform and its Decisions, issued by HEnEx.

title file

Rulebook for the Natural Gas Trading Platform

HEnEx Decisions

Decision 1

Procedure for acquiring the Participant capacity, Participant resignation and other issues regarding Participants in the Natural Gas Trading Platform of HEnEx

Decision 2

Procedure for acquiring the Liquidity Provider capacity and terms of liquidity provision in the Natural Gas Trading Platform of HEnEx

Decision 3

Participants’ professional competence in the Natural Gas Trading Platform of HEnEx

Decision 4

Technical issues on conversation files in the Natural Gas Trading Platform of HEnEx

Decision 5

Regulation of technical trading issues in the Natural Gas Trading Platform of HEnEx

Decision 6

Participants’ Charges of the Natural Gas Trading Platform of HEnEx

                                                                            With track changes


Decision 7

Emergency trading procedures in the Gas Trading Platform of HEnEx

RAE Decisions

Approval of the first amendment of Product Specifications in the Gas Trading Platform in accordance with the provisions of subsections 4.2 and of the Rulebook for the Natural Gas Trading Platform

Unofficial translations from the Greek language. In case of any discrepancy between the Greek and the English version, the Greek version prevails.

Trading _Contact

HEnEx Trading Support Dpt. 

E-mail : 
Tel : (+30) 210 33 66 845