


FEVER – H2020 research project


Flexible Energy Production, Demand and Storage-based Virtual Power Plants for Electricity Markets and Resilient DSO Operation – FEVER is a European Research & Innovation project FEVER, which has received funding from European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Development program under Grant Agreement ID 864537. The program’s duration spans from February 2020 through July 2023, and its goal is to demonstrate and implement solutions that leverage the potential of flexibility in generation, consumption, and storage of electricity for optimal management of power grids. The FEVER consortium consists of 17 partners from Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Slovenia, and Spain including technology and service providers, research organizations, distribution system operators and consultancies jointly tackling the FEVER challenge. FEVER demonstrates and implements solutions that leverage the potential of flexibility in generation, consumption, and storage of electricity for optimal management of power grids. FEVER aims to develop solutions for:


   Flexibility aggregation and management, to address problems in the distribution grid, and enhance its security and resilience in light of ever-expanding renewable generation,

   Monitoring and automated control of the distribution grid, to support function related to continuity of supply, and power quality monitoring, and

   Flexibility markets, consisting of novel mechanisms and tools that support and incentivize flexibility services.




The Hellenic Energy Exchange (HEnEx) is a partner in FEVER and the leader of Work Package 4 “Trading flexibility in electricity markets: market tools and mechanisms”. HEnEx leverages its expertise as a NEMO to lead the research surrounding the trading of flexibility in electricity markets. HEnEx develops new tools and mechanisms that support the roles of Market Operators, Flexibility Aggregators, and Distribution System Operators in the context of network-aware flexibility trading for different timeframes (e.g., Day-Ahead, Intraday etc.). The end goal of HEnEx’s contribution to the project is to deliver scalable operational mechanisms, compatible with EU electricity markets. These mechanisms will also be tested using real data from the project’s pilots in Spain, Cyprus, and Germany.

For more information, you can visit the FEVER website.


  This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 864537.


HEnEx Strategy & Business Development Dpt.

E-mail : Strategy&BusinessDevelopment@enexgroup.gr