The clearing of transactions on the Day Ahead and Intraday Markets, the clearing of positions on the Balancing Market, and the clearing of transactions on HEnEx's Natural Gas Trading Platform are carried out between EnExClear and its Clearing Members in accordance with the terms of EnExClear's Clearing Regulations.
There are two types of Clearing Members:
Direct Clearing Members (DCMs): Market Participants who may clear only their own transactions and positions.
General Clearing Members (GMMs): Financial institutions that undertake the clearing of transactions and positions for other participants.
The list of EnExClear Clearing Members is available here.
If you are interested in becoming a Clearing Member in EnExClear, please contact for information regarding the terms of participation.
Admission Process
Companies wishing to acquire the capacity of Direct Clearing Member or General Clearing Member for each market (DAM-IDM, Balancing, Natural Gas Trading Platform) must follow the procedure outlined in the following presentation:
EnExClear Membership_Onboarding Process
Learn more about the membership acquisition process and other clearing membership issues in EnExClear Decision 1, available here.
Fill-in the Candidate Membership, Joint Statement and KYC forms.
Clearers Certification
Certify your Energy Clearers.
For the certification of the professional competence of employees and officers, EnExClear issues the Energy Clearer Certificate (ECC).
Each Clearing Member must appoint at least one (1) Certified Clearer for the clearing of transactions/positions it undertakes, or more than one (1) depending on its activities.
Apply for the Energy Clearer Certificate "ECC" and participate in the relevant Training Program.
Detailed information on the professional competence of Clearing Members, can be found in Decision 2 of EnExClear.
To be activated as a Clearing Member*, you must first deposit the initial contribution to the Default Fund corresponding to the requested capacity, as well as any applicable registration fees and annual subscription fees.
Details of the applicable Clearing Membership Fees can be found here.
Submit all relevant information about the individuals representing your company, and request the creation of users in EnExClear’s clearing systems (only for certified clearers) by submitting the following forms.
Submit the forms with the details of the Cash Settlement Accounts at the Cash Settlement Agents.
* If the application relates to HEnEx Markets or HEnEx’s Natural Gas Trading Platform, a certificate by HEnEx for the registration of the Candidate Clearing Member as Participant in HEnEx Markets.
* If the application relates to Balancing Market, a certificate by the HETS Operator or other relative document which certifies the registration of the Candidate Clearing Member as Participant in Balancing Market.
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