




Asset Publisher

HEnEx's "Energy Trader Certification - Gas (ETC-G)" Exam Invitation

HEnEx invites all the interested parties to “Energy Trader Certification - Gas (ETC-G) Exam”, which will take place on 21th November 2024. The registration form can be found here

Registration for “HEnEx Energy Traders - Gas Seminar: Natural Gas Trading Platform”

The Hellenic Energy Exchange invites all the interested parties to “HEnEx Energy Traders - Gas Seminar: Natural Gas Trading Platform”, which will take place on 19th November 2024. The registration form can be found here.

MCSC NEMOs and TSOs, in cooperation with ENTSO-E, are conducting an informal survey among market participants regarding the possible future use of co-optimised balancing capacity and energy products in SDAC.

Μore details about the relevant questionnaire and the upcoming conference can be found here.  


Hellenic Energy Exchange S.A.

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