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Twin EU - Digital Twin for Europe

Duration: 01.2024 – 12.2026

Funding Scheme: HORIZON-IA - HORIZON Innovation Actions

Objective:The TwinEU project stands as a pioneering initiative within the Horizon Europe framework, aiming to reshape the European energy landscape through the digitalization of the energy system. The project’s strategic goal is to create a Pan-European digital twin, uniting competences from grid and market operators, technology providers, and research centers. This collective effort will ensure a resilient, secure, and efficient energy operation across Europe. Advanced modeling supported by AI tools and able to exploit High Performance Computing infrastructure will deliver an unprecedented capability to observe, test and activate a pan- European digital replica of the European energy infrastructure.


HEnEx in TwinEU

HENEX will develop a Day-Ahead market simulation tool of the Greek Day-Ahead electricity market considering current operating requirements and the market evolution towards 2030. The simulator will integrate the anticipated market changes, i.e. changes in market topology (new interconnectors), time resolution (15min products), generation mix (domination of RES, storage and DR), market design (e.g. asset-based participation, co-optimization) as these are formulated by the relevant regulations and targets or driven by current market inefficiencies. The results of the Day-Ahead market simulator are the market clearing prices and asset market schedules and are provided to the TSO as input for the Balancing Market.



The project team consists of 75 partners - electrical utilities of the transmission and distribution sector, regulatory entities, research institutions in fields of communication technology, electrical engineering, information and computing technology, energy markets, aggregation and energy production- from 15 countries.


For more information, you can visit the TwinEU website.


  Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


HEnEx Strategy & Business Development Dpt.

E-mail : Strategy&