





The overall corporate governance framework includes a clear organizational structure with clear, transparent and consistent lines of responsibility, as well as adequate internal control mechanisms, including sound administrative and accounting procedures.

The Company has developed an adequate and appropriate corporate governance model, taking into account key principles and good corporate governance practices. The Corporate Governance Framework concerns all the principles adopted by the company to ensure its sound and prudent management, the interests of its shareholders and the interests of the Markets stakeholders. In this context, each  company of the Group has adopted corporate governance regulations, policies and practices that comply with international standards and are applicable worldwide.

The key points of corporate governance rules and practices’ implementation concern the following:

   role of the Board of Directors in preparing the corporate strategy,

   protection of Members’ and Market Participants’ interest,

   enhancement of transparency and

dissemination of information.

The Board of Directors (BoD) of each company of the Group is their supreme management body. The Board undertakes the administration and the appropriate organization of the operations of the respective company, the observance of the good governance practices and the formulation of its strategy and development policy.

The members of the Board of Directors maintain their obligations under the applicable corporate governance legislation including the following:

   monitoring of the effective operation of the internal control system and the Internal Audit Unit as well as the risk management system,

   monitoring of the financial information process,

   monitoring the mandatory audit of financial statements,

   review and monitoring of issues related to the existence and preservation of the objectivity and independence of the statutory auditors - accountants, especially regarding the provision by them, to the Company’s, of other services.

The Committees of the BoD, which are established based on the Articles of Association and the Internal Regulations of each company of the Group, and operate in accordance with their Regulations, assist the BoD. in his art.

- Audit Control Committee
- Strategic Planning Committee
- Nominations and Remuneration Committee
- Audit Control Committee
- Strategic Planning Committee
- Nominations and Remuneration Committee
- Risk Management Committee
- Default & Crisis Management Committee

The Chief Executive Officer holds the highest executive position in each company of the Group, heads all the Departments, manages their duties and takes any decisions required within the provisions governing the operation of the respective company.

The Chief Operating Officer is responsible for ensuring the smooth, orderly and efficient daily operation of the structures of the respective company of the Group that belong to it, in accordance with the strategic objectives, business plan and action plan, as determined by decisions of the Board.

   the Company's Code of Conduct;

   the Internal Operating Regulation of the Company;

   the Individual Operating Regulations of the Committees of the Company's Board of Directors; and

   role of the Board of Directors in preparing the corporate strategy,

   a series of corporate governance policies that outline and define principles and rules for compliance in the institutional and supervisory framework and for the implementation of best practices as well as other policies that set basic principles for the day-to-day operation of the Company, with the corresponding procedures that support their implementation.

 Hellenic Energy Exchange S.A.


EnΕx Clearing House Single Member S.A.




Hellenic Energy Exchange S.A.

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