




Asset Publisher

21 March 2024: SIDC IDA go-live Pre-launch event - agenda, registration and information package 

The agenda can be found here.

EnExGroup – Price List (in force from 01.01.2024)

EnExGroup informs the Participants and Members of its Markets, that from 01.01.2024 a new price list with upgraded services will be applied. The price list includes all the Group charges, which now provides Participants and Members with the possibility of attending seminars and conducting examinations upon request, in addition to the scheduled dates. Please, find the EnExGroup updated price list, here.

EnExGroup – New Fees and Charges for Electricity Day-Ahead Market (DAM) and Intraday Market (IDM)

EnExGroup wishes to inform HEnEx’s Market Participants and EnExClear’s Clearing Members about the implementation of new prices to the fees and charges of the Day-Ahead and Intraday Electricity Markets, in accordance with the relevant Decisions of RAAEY 207/2023 for HEnEx, and 208/2023 for EnExClear. The new prices to fees and charges come into force on 30.12.2023, with the first clearing of transactions taking place on 02.01.2024.


Hellenic Energy Exchange S.A.

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