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All NEMOs Consultation

In accordance with Article 12 of the Commission Regulation (EU) No 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management (hereafter referred to as CACM), the Nominated Electricity Market Operators (hereafter referred to as NEMOs)  held a public consultation on the following proposals for terms and conditions or methodologies that have been prepared, in cooperation with the relevant TSOs, in accordance with Article 9 of CACM:

-       A common proposal for the price coupling algorithm and for the continuous trading matching algorithm (Algorithm proposal), incorporating a common set of requirements for the price coupling algorithm (DA Algorithm) and the continuous trading matching algorithm (ID Algorithm), in accordance with Art. 37 (4) of CACM;

-       A joint proposal concerning products that can be taken into account in the single day-ahead and single intraday couplings, in accordance with Art. 40 (3) and Art. 53 (4) of CACM;

-       A proposal for a back-up methodology to comply with the obligations set out in Article 39 and 52 of CACM, in accordance with Art. 36 (3) of CACM;

-       A proposal on harmonized maximum and minimum clearing prices to be applied in all bidding zones which participate in single day-ahead and single intraday couplings, in accordance with Art. 41(1) and Art. 54 (1) of CACM.

The on-line consultation ran from 3 November 2016 to 2 December 2016. A consultation workshop for stakeholders took place on Monday 14 November, in cooperation with the TSOs. Please refer to the workshop presentation and Q&A document in attachment for more information.

The consultation period is over, it is no longer possible to provide feedback.

The stakeholders’ feedback received will be taken into consideration. In accordance with CACM (Art. 36(3), 37(5), 40(1), 41(1), 53(1) and 54(1)), by 18 months after the entry into force of this Regulation, i.e. by 14th February 2017, the proposals have to be submitted to the regulatory authorities for approval.

In case you would have any questions, feel free to contact us:

The methodologies have been prepared and approved by all NEMOs via the NEMO Committee, an organization of all NEMOs to discuss and facilitate the implementation of the CACM requirements, in cooperation with relevant TSOs in accordance with CACM.

The proposals, which were subject to consultation, are in the attachment:

·         Algorithm Proposal, incorporating the Day-Ahead and Intraday requirements

·         Products Proposal

·         Back-up Methodology Proposal

·         Harmonized Max-Min Price Proposal

Related documents:

·         Euphemia algorithm – public description

·         CACM Regulation

Consultation Workshop:

·         Presentation NEMO Committee

·         Presentation ENTSO-E

·         Workshop Q&A


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