




Asset Publisher

Hellenic Energy Exchange S.A shareholders Annual Ordinary General Meeting (Financial year 2022)

Invitation to the shareholders of the Societe Anonyme “Hellenic Energy Exchange S.A” to Annual Ordinary General Meeting (Financial year 2022)

HEnEx's “Energy Trader Certification (ETC)” Exam Invitation

HEnEx invites all interested parties to Energy Trader Certification (ETC) Exam, which will take place on 22nd June 2023. The registration form can be found here.

Registration for “HEnEx Energy Traders Seminar: Day-Ahead & Intra-Day Markets”

The Hellenic Energy Exchange invites all the interested parties to “HEnEx Energy Traders Seminar: Day-Ahead & Intra-Day Markets”, which will take place on 20 June 2023. The registration form can be found here.


Hellenic Energy Exchange S.A.

E-mail :
Tel : (+30) 210 33 66 400
Fax : (+30) 210 33 66 875