




Asset Publisher

Clearing Fund amount for Day-Ahead & Intraday Markets

EnExClear, as the Clearing Fund Administrator, in accordance with Part 8, Section 2.27, of Clearing Rulebook for Transactions on Day-Ahead & Intraday Markets, announces that the Day-Ahead & Intraday Markets Clearing Fund is set at € 8,705,237.64 for the calculation period March 2024.

Clearing Fund amount for HEnEx's Natural Gas Trading Platform

EnExClear, as the Clearing Fund Administrator, in accordance with Part 8, Section 2.27, of Clearing Rulebook for Transactions on HEnEx’s Natural Gas Trading Platform, announces that the Natural Gas Trading Platform Clearing Fund is set at € 1,633,143.57 for the calculation period March 2024.

HEnEx's “Energy Trader Certification - Derivatives (ETC-D)” Exam Invitation

HEnEx invites all interested parties to Energy Trader Certification - Derivatives (ETC-D) Exam, which will take place on 11th April 2024. The registration form can be found here.


Hellenic Energy Exchange S.A.

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