





Asset Publisher

Postponement of the Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project Go Live

Press release can be found here.

Extension of Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC) to Bulgaria – Go-live planned for 11 May 2021

Detailed information can be found, here.

First trade in HEnEx’s Derivatives market

HEnEx’s Derivatives market started operations on Monday, 23 March 2020, six months earlier that the originally scheduled go-live.

During the session of 26 March 2020, the first trade was concluded for the Electricity Baseload Future of April 2020, at a price of 40.5 €/MWh.

HEnEx’s Derivatives market currently has 13 Members, while Member enrollment procedures are ongoing. For relevant information, please contact 


Hellenic Energy Exchange S.A.

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Tel : (+30) 210 33 66 400
Fax : (+30) 210 33 66 875