





Asset Publisher

13 September 2022: SIDC 4th Wave Go-Live Pre-Launch Event

The agenda can be found here.

13 September 2022: No changes in harmonised maximum clearing price for SDAC from 20 September: it remains at 4,000 EUR/MWh

Following confirmation of ACER and EC, and after the publication of the Presidency Summary from Extraordinary TTE (Energy) Council Meeting of 9 September 2022, where it is stated that “Ministers also called for sending a signal of confidence to the electricity market by immediately suspending the automatic increase of the maximum clearing price threshold on the electricity market.”, NEMOs and TSOs are performing all the necessary activities to suspend automatic increase of the maximum clearing price. Therefore, the maximum clearing price will not be increased and will stay at 4,000 EUR/MWh.

Press release can be found here.

23 August 2022: Harmonised maximum clearing price for SDAC to be set to +5,000 EUR/MWh from 20th September (trading date)

In line with the Harmonised Maximum and Minimum Clearing Prices (HMMCP) Methodology in accordance with Article 41(1) of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24th July 2015 (CACM Regulation), the harmonised maximum clearing price for Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC) shall be increased by 1,000 EUR/MWh if the clearing price exceeds a value of 60 per cent of the harmonised maximum clearing price for SDAC in at least one market time unit in a day in an individual bidding zone or multiple bidding zones. This decision follows the high prices of 4,000 EUR/MWh reached on 16th August 2022 (delivery date 17th August) in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in hour 18.

Press release can be found here.


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