

Daily Official List


Daily Official List (DOL) report includes details and summary data of transactions carried out at HEnEx's Derivatives Markets such as Registered and Active Trading Members, Transactions per Instrument including Order and Trade details etc. Specific details on Market Maker trading such as Quotes, decision on the temporary release of the Market Maker or the modification of the Market Making Operation Terms and resumption of its responsibilities are also included.

Published information as per Financial Energy Market Rulebook and legislation in force.

Daily Official List, Content documentation & URLs for automated download.



Monthly Official List


The Monthly Official List (MOL) includes the summary of the Daily Official Lists (DOL) of the respective month.

Asset Publisher


Market Monitoring & Analysis Dpt.

E-mail : MarketMonitoring@enexgroup.gr
Tel : (+30) 210 33 66 869,  (+30) 210 33 66 335
Fax : (+30) 210 33 66 951